Creating an Account on Yahoo Answers
The first thing you’ll need is a Yahoo account. It’s easy, just go on over to and sign up. I would not suggest you use your main account if you have one. Yahoo accounts are easy enough to come by without putting your main account in jeopardy.Next, click on “Answers” in the upper part of the sidebar to the left.
Once there, take 5 minutes to create an avatar. This is more important than what you think it is. Yahoo has a avatar generator. Use it! An avatar, for what ever reason, gives you a little more trust. When you look at most of the spammy answers given, you’ll see the spammers are too lazy to use an avatar for the most part.
After you have your avatar created, you’re pretty much ready to start answering questions.
Tips For Answering Questions on Yahoo Answers
The worst thing you can do on Yahoo Answers is to start putting a bunch of useless answers with links to your site. Chances are, your account will be banned until the end of the day. I see that happen there all the time.I do not recommend spam Yahoo Answers. This does not make you any good.
Now, if your site is something you desire, then will answer questions on Yahoo Answers for your interest as well. Therefore it’s a great match for your site. If you are an expert on technology and your site is about technology, most likely you will find some questions that were posted by users Yahoo Answers, which relate to your niche.
The more qualitative answers you provide, the more you increase your score. For each answer you give, you get 2 points. There are other ways to get points, but answer questions and receive them * star * are the most common.
These are levels that go as you answer questions. Will start at Level 1 and work your way up. As a member of Level 1 will be able to answer 20 questions a day, to choose your questions wisely! As you reach other levels would be able to answer more questions a day with your account.
Yahoo Answers has a left side bar with Categories. I drill down to the specific category and there’ll be a list of the Answers in the center of the page. The top of the list is the Question asked most recently. I refresh my browser constantly trying to be the first person to Answer a question.Just to look natural, which is for me because it helps people must answer questions in other categories if you can help.
I only post links to your site in about 1 of every 5-7 answers given. Remember that trying to avoid drawing unwanted attention to yourself!
That’s about it, it’s easy to use. Once you get a good one account, you may want to think about opening a new account and tried a second account at another location
BTW, from what I can tell, the traffic you get from Yahoo Answers converts very well. After all, if you’ve done it right, you have already showed them your an expert in your field!
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